Viburnum Davidii 2lt Pot

Viburnum Davidii 2lt Pot


A small spreading evergreen shrub, with elliptic, deep green, leathery, three-veined leaves and flattened heads of small dull white flowers followed on cross-pollinated plants by long-lasting 'metallic' blue-black berries

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Pinus Oregon Green

Pinus Oregon Green

Euonymus Fortunei Emerald Gaiety 6 pack, 9cm pots 10cm tall

Euonymus Fortunei Emerald Gaiety 6 pack, 9cm pots 10cm tall

Hydrangea Strong Annabelle 10lt pot 100cm tall

Hydrangea Strong Annabelle 10lt pot 100cm tall

Osmanthus Heterophyllus Tricolor 2lt Pot

Osmanthus Heterophyllus Tricolor 2lt Pot

Rhododen Blattgold 3lt pot
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Rhododen Blattgold 3lt pot
